Your Guide to Foreign Trusts

本文旨在作为您理解外国信托的细微差别的综合指南. Whether you’re a trustee, grantor, settlor, or beneficiary, 我们在这里是为了揭开其中的复杂性,揭示跨境信托税收领域的潜在陷阱和机遇.

Demystifying ‘US Person’

Classification before delving into the specifics of foreign trusts, 从税收的角度来看,了解谁属于“美国人”是至关重要的. In this context, a US person includes US citizens, green card holders, or individuals meeting the threshold of days’ presence in the US, thereby establishing US residency.

Decoding Foreign Trusts

在这个复杂的过程中,最基本的一步是辨别手头的实体是否符合信托的资格. While this might seem straightforward, exceptions exist. For an entity to be deemed a trust:

  • There must be an arrangement, either written or oral.
  • 这种安排必须通过遗嘱或终身声明来建立.
  • 受托人必须有权取得财产所有权,为受益人维护财产.
  • 受益人不能参与履行受托人的责任.

Having ascertained that an entity is indeed a trust, the subsequent task is determining its ‘foreign’ status. 外国信托包括任何未能通过“法院”和“控制”测试的信托.

The Court Test

法院测试取决于美国法院能否对信托的管理行使主要监督. 这需要解决与信托管理有关的问题的排他性权力, 涉及履行信托文书和适用法律规定的义务.

The Control Test

如果一个或多个美国人拥有控制信托所有“实质性决策”的权力,则满足控制测试. “控制”意味着在不受任何其他人否决的情况下做出重大决定的权力. “实质性决定”是信托文书授权或要求的决定.

值得注意的是,一个看似国内的信任可以被归类为国外的信任, for instance, a foreign person holds the power to veto trust decisions. Additionally, 如果美国信托因受托人不再是美国人而转变为外国信托, there is typically a 12-month grace period for rectification.

Distinguishing Trust Types


Foreign Grantor Trust with US Grantor


If the grantor has no grantor trust powers but the trust is ‘foreign,如果收入或本金将来可能分配给美国人,它将自动获得授予人信托地位. 该规则禁止美国人利用外国信托来保护其收入不受美国税收的影响.

Foreign Grantor Trust with Non-US Grantor

When the grantor is a non-US person, 授予人信托的地位取决于诸如可撤销性或对授予人或其配偶的排他性付款等情况. The income is deemed to belong to the non-US grantor, subjecting them only to US tax on US source income. Foreign Non-Grantor Trust (with US or Non-US Grantor)

外国非授予人信托的税收反映了非美国个人的税收. 美国不对外国非授予人信托(Foreign Non-Grantor Trust)的外国来源收入征税, 但某些来自美国的收入可能需要缴纳美国预扣税或所得税.

Navigating Distributions and Tax Implications

从外国非授予人信托向美国受益人的分配涉及一套复杂的规则. 任何分配的可分配净收入(DNI)都要纳税, while undistributed net income (UNI) might trigger a ‘throwback tax.美国受益人使用的外国信托财产的公平租金价值被视为分配,就像向美国受益人提供的贷款未能满足某些“合格贷款”要求一样.

Ownership of Foreign Corporations and Reporting Requirements

当外国信托对符合“受控外国公司”(CFC)或“被动外国投资公司”(PFIC)标准的外国公司有兴趣时,需要特别注意。. 信托对这些实体的股票所有权可能会对美国所有者和美国受益人产生额外的税收和报告义务, even without receiving distributions.

Compliance and Reporting Obligations

Apart from the need to file a US tax return, US grantors, beneficiaries, and trustees may be required to file additional information returns. This includes Forms 3520, 3520-A, FBARs, and Form 8938. Appointing a US agent for a foreign trust can be advantageous, 防止美国国税局单方面确定美国受益人的应税收入.

Planning Strategies and Mitigation Techniques

Considering the intricate tax consequences for US beneficiaries, 可以采用几种规划技术来减轻不良后果. This includes establishing structures meeting grantor trust criteria, careful distribution planning, and utilizing elections and exemptions.

A Call to Pro-Active Action

Trustees, settlors, 并敦促受益人理解并积极应对与美国有联系的外国信托的影响. This involves staying informed about residency changes, potential migration of trusts, and adopting strategic planning measures. By navigating the complexities of US tax rules for foreign trusts, 利益相关者可以优化结果并确保遵守不断变化的法规,同时保留与信托合作规划的好处. Contact us to discuss trust planning.

Article written by Tasleem Meghani

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